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How to be Elegant: 101 Ways of an Elegant Woman

Living elegantly as a classy woman, this illustration she is standing in a door way.

This post is an extensive list of understanding elegant women and how every elegant woman should strive to be sophisticated and poised. Understand how to be elegant!

In this article, you’ll find

Style, grace, and poise - this elegant woman is looking to the side in this portrait.

How to be Elegant | Elegant Woman: 100+ Ways to be Elegant 

How to be Elegant?

Here are 101 ways to help you become the elegant woman you’ve always wanted. Living as a beautiful woman isn’t complicated; it focuses on being intentional and empathetic.


With subtle makeup, classic styles, and good posture, you’ll be amazed that a classy woman doesn’t need much to experience authentic elegance.

“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” Audrey Hepburn

In this moment, she is the epidomy of elegance. This elegant woman is sitting with her profile.

How to be Elegant with 101 Ways of an Elegant Woman

1. A classy woman thinks of others and their feelings before her own. People would talk of her as a woman willing to give the shirt off her back. There is love in how she expresses herself, even in the most minute ways.

2. She never judges others for anything. It’s not her place because she understands that she’s not any better. 

3. If an elegant woman has nothing good to say, she won’t say anything. Nothing is more unflattering than someone who gossips.

4. Always waits for everyone to begin eating; after a few bites, she genuinely finds something to compliment the chef. 

5. She keeps up her house’s curb appeal because she appreciates that her neighbors do the same. 

6. Never talks about anything personal regarding sizes or amounts: any bra size, weight, age, money, how big her house is, nothing. 

7.   She thinks if her Grandma isn’t proud of her, she will reconsider her actions.

8. Knows that a restful night’s sleep and a glass of water are better than any concealer. 

9. Never litters. A sophisticated woman will wait for a garbage container no matter how long. 

10. Acts as if someone is watching, even if no one is. This action helps her with keeping grace in all situations.

Related: How to be Feminine

 Simple shifts like wearing classic styles can truly transform you. So many traits come with being an elegant woman. But, if you can adopt even just a few of these habits, you’re on your way to becoming a more sleek lady.

Woman of class, she is wearing a suit leaning over with a little black tie.

A sophisticated woman is organized and, because of that, calm and in control.

Related: How to be Sophisticated

11. Keeps her keys always in the same place when not using them. She knows life is too short to be wasting time looking for anything. 

12. She is never (rarely) late. She is usually five minutes early and reserves the table and pre-orders drinks. Or she will wait for the company to arrive. She respects other people’s time.

13. Appreciates an intellectual debate. 

14. She doesn’t always need to be right – even if she is.

15. She maintains mystery. With choosing clothes to what she says to others.

16. Doesn’t even think of going into consumer debt for anything.

17. She isn’t afraid of getting dirty, helping her husband do outside chores and work in the garden. 

18. If anything, she appreciates hard work and the fruits of her labor.

19. She admires a child’s curiosity and doesn’t speak down to them. On the contrary, she engages them with all her genuine attention.

20. Knows life is about the tiny and simple pleasures – like watching birds peck at crumbs, smelling the spring rain, ironing the wrinkles out of a shirt. 

21. Realizes that fairy tales don’t exist and is realistic when life gets tough. Yet, she persists and never gives up since she doesn’t consider it an option. 

 Choose quality in all parts of your day. It isn’t just for clothing and food – but even how you spend your time and what you consume as a form of entertainment.

Classy dress sketching.

A classy woman doesn’t obsess about the “what-ifs” of her life.

22. She knows the grass isn’t greener on the other side. Classy women try not to fall for this because she appreciates everything she has now! (How can you tell if someone is classy?)

23. Doesn’t like to sleep in – unless it’s cuddling someone special. 

24. She isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes in but does so gently. 

25. Doesn’t walk around with chipped nails or chipped nail polish. Her wardrobe also is looked at with great detail. Classy and with grace, the elegant woman will look put together.

26. She has a little phone book with everyone’s numbers, addresses, birthdays, and other important dates. So she is always keeping up to date with people around her. 

27. Sends thoughtful cards on special occasions or at times of need. 

28. Carries around a small tube of moisturizer for her hands because, let’s face it, it is not very elegant to have rough hands. 

29. She thinks good thoughts of everyone because she knows that’s the secret to being beautiful. A kind face is more beautiful than what any skilled doctor can do. 

30. Practices patience with everything in her life. She takes all the opportunities she gets to master it elegantly. 

Being well-spoken is also practicing proper discipline in silence. Sometimes, people will try to get you angry by saying hurtful things. However, if you don’t respond, they hold no power.

Style and grace in this little black dress.

Living elegantly is not about being perfect.

31. She rarely forgets a name because she finds a method that works best for her. But if nothing works, then after the meeting, she writes down the name and a few essential things about them. That way, she won’t forget. 

32. A classy woman doesn’t need to yell to get her point across. A calm voice is the most effective tool. 

33. Looks to other women for inspiration. She doesn’t need to compete. 

34. Doesn’t procrastinate, ever

35. Wears makeup sparingly, especially during the day.

36. Enjoys learning new things because you can never know enough, and dumbing down is not an option. 

37. Understands her weaknesses and try to make them her strengths. 

38. She doesn’t waste time on social media or look up pointless things. Her time is much more valuable. 

39. Finds herself true hobbies that she enjoys. She isn’t afraid to take up new ones either. 

Good manners make all the difference! And it’s absolutely free!

Women walking together.


More related posts on looking classy

The elegant lady loves herself so that she can absolutely love others.

40. Doesn’t take people or other opportunities for granted. She understands that everyone has something to offer. 

41. Can control herself when it comes to impulse spending. Instant gratification is hard to resist, but the consequences are enough to steer clear. 

42. She saves up for a rainy day. 

43. She can put things into perspective when she’s having a bad day. She counts her blessings and changes her negative attitude into a gracious mindset. She knows how blessed she is. Sadly, there are a lot of people who have it worse out there. 

44. Writes thank you notes even for the smallest of gestures. She also tries to make it very personal. 

45.   Goes very gracefully against the grain.

46. Seeks out good books to read and doesn’t determine them with what movies are out. 

47. Finds the colors that are most flattering for her. She doesn’t allow trendsetters to determine her clothes. Even if those are neutral colors, she’ll wear them. She understands that it is never a fixed thing. Instead, it is very fluid. She sees how her fashion evolves as she ages. From tailored button-down shirts to knee-length skirts and high heels, she will wear clothes that suit her and remain stylish for years to come!

48. Embraces her face and all it comes with it. This is the face she deserves.

49. Wears an apron, even when just doing laundry. This protects her clothing.

50. Lives by the Golden Rule – she knows what goes around, comes around. 

51. She doesn’t wear herself thin because that isn’t good for her or anyone else around her.

Daily life is to be appreciated – cultivate the moment.

All style and grace in this black dress with a little purse.

Dress elegantly and see how people will treat you differently

52. Washes her face every night; she knows that consistency is critical!

53. Doesn’t fall for the schemes of anti-aging cream. Even though she has weak moments, she knows she can’t run from Father Time at the end of the day. She knows that she won’t always be wrinkle free, but that doesn’t mean she won’t be beautiful.

54. Doesn’t waste a thing. Some people could only dream of having what she has. 

55. A classy lady doesn’t obsess over any one little thing. Being a perfectionist is almost a curse, so she tries not to take anything too seriously without looking like a joke. Through time she has mastered that fine line. 

56. She takes pride in everything she does. It can be as minor as cleaning out her cat’s litter to her career; it doesn’t matter. Her wardrobe is a big one too!

57. She isn’t a martyr; if there is an easier route, she will take that—no need for unnecessary suffering.  

58.    If someone were to say something terrible or unbecoming of her, no one would believe them. That’s why real elegance is essential.

59. She keeps to herself and can keep every secret. 

60. If she makes mistakes, she is the first to admit them and immediately right her wrongs. 

She takes into account her overall health when improving her life.

To define elegance is to remember humility.

61. She doesn’t feel the need to be superior. Not over her co-workers, not over her friends, and especially not over her husband. 

62. Before a dinner party or a gathering, she brushes up on current events/politics/anything else relevant to keep up any conversation without sounding redundant. 

63. She tries to learn a new word daily and uses it (within reason). 

64. Fits exercise in her everyday movements instead of designating time at the gym. By doing so, she knows it is easier to keep for the rest of her life. Also, this doesn’t wear her thin, trying to fit too much into a day.

65. Makes an effort to be present in every conversation. No matter how small or insignificant. 

66. Stops and smell the roses, or can appreciate that by slowing down a little bit, life has much more to offer. This is where she chooses the quality of her time.

67. Cleans up after herself and her responsibilities, like her dog or children. She doesn’t expect others to do so.

68.   She appreciates quality over quantity with everything. She would be more likely to have a couple of pairs of nice pants than many mediocre ones. Her clothing is always quality.

69. Walks properly in any shoe. If so, she practices until it comes naturally. She can wear them ideally!

70. Takes care of her family because even though she is busy, she knows how much they appreciate it. She loves to spend time with them, especially on holidays (see what she does on Christmas Eve)  

71. A classy lady understands how her feelings and the mood she is in have the power to make the rest of her family the same. With that in mind, she tries to remain positive unless something is terrible. Women have so much influence over their loved ones that sometimes we forget. That’s why it’s important to have grace in this world.

Related: Improve your First Impression

Maintain good posture, wear high-quality fabrics, avoid showing too much skin, and keep accessories to a minimum – her stylish secrets to remaining graceful and elegant. In addition, she strives to lead by example.

These two stylish women posing with dresses

Knowing how to be elegant is easy because it’s about loving who you are

72. A classy woman likes to wake up in the morning without chores she has to catch up on. That’s not her style.

73. She picks one thing to be her signature. She revels in that look regardless of lipstick, purses, hats, or button-down blousesHer clothing makes a big statement.

74. The classy woman doesn’t make the same mistake twice. 

75. Doesn’t regret her past because she knows that made her the woman she is today. 

76. She strives to be the role model she wishes she had.

77. She never forgets to say please, thank you, and you’re welcome. That manner will never get old!

78. She aims to make everyone comfortable around her; if that means sacrificing something she enjoys or her comfort – so be it. It’s for the greater good. This exudes her grace.

79. Her husband knows how lucky he is, and she never lets an opportunity pass her by to let him know how lucky she is to have him. 

80. Has a little emergency drawer that contains birthday cards, sympathy cards, gift cards to coffee shops, and other little things that she can quickly whip up. 

81. Holds her purse the proper way.

A new language gives her the ability to understand others better. This is what Audrey Hepburn did.  

Accessories make the woman.

An elegant woman doesn’t shy from her true self but embraces it.

82. Wears her glasses if she needs to. This way, she won’t squint as much. She will thank herself 20 years down the road. 

83.   Thinks of everything she does as an art form, from doing the dishes to folding laundry. 

84. Has a beautiful serving teapot with appropriate teacups and some biscuits for impromptu visits. 

85. She anticipates elegance in everything she does. Preparation is her secret. 

Related: Does living elegantly confuse you more sometimes?

86. Listens to all types of music; she cultivates herself to appreciate all kinds of talent. She frequents them on her favorite sites or online learning community!

87. Reads inspiring quotes every day to help her better herself. 

88. She finds peace knowing there is something bigger than herself. 

89.   Smiles. A natural, genuine smile is the key to many things. The best accessory a classy woman can wear!

90. Keeps personal and meaningful things. From cards from her husband to a movie stub on their first date. Even her dog’s first collar. Anything sentimental that can bring back delightful memories. 

A classy woman understands that what the heart desires might be necessary.

Heart desires to be more elegant. Invest in a good wardrobe.

Classy yet trendy is matching your style with classics.

91. A classy woman knows life is very short and needs to make the most of it. But that doesn’t mean doing something stupid. 

92. Spends time with her elders to hear stories and other difficult times. 

93. The graceful woman thanks God for everything she has. This is where elegance shines!

94. Eats healthily but also gives in and eats what she desires (portion control!) 

95. She overdresses for success, meaning she doesn’t want to appear underdressed or sloppy. Instead, she errs on the smart casual look. 

96. She doesn’t compare herself to others because no one knows what happens behind closed doors. 

97. She loves random acts of kindness. She seeks them out – paying for someone’s coffee or putting in a quarter to an expired meter. This shows the quality of a woman she is!

98. Sends flowers for everything. She knows how much other people appreciate it. 

99. Loves trying new things, whether a unique experience or fresh food. 

100.   She walks with her head held high, and her heart open. 

101. Knows how a little sun and fresh air and a few glasses of water every day are better than any vitamin, green smoothie, or magic pill to be healthy.

The quality of her clothing is important.

How to be elegant today and forever and live as an elegant woman 

Take these few tips and try to adopt a few of them every day. It doesn’t need to be stressful or something to obsess over, but rather study how to be elegant by watching other classy women and how they move so elegantly. It isn’t only about the elegant outfits or elegant style, but to be rather loving. 

Embrace your day, add elegance, and spread love by treating others with respect. This is the secret that a classy woman will take with her!

Classy in black pantsuit.

How to be an Elegant Woman

1. Be polite. Always have a kind word to say about someone, and always address people by their title and last name if you’re not related to them. Greet others with a handshake or a smile, shake hands when meeting someone for the first time at work or school, and give everyone you meet the same level of attention as your date on prom night.

2. Correct the posture. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and head high, but relax them from time to time so that people don’t think you’re trying too hard (you will feel uncomfortable and dizzy if you keep this posture). If someone asks for directions in front of their rural property, stop because it’s customary; pull over if it’s on the freeway.

3. Pardon the interruption. Do not interrupt others when they are speaking, especially if it’s a group conversation. Instead, wait for your turn to speak, and then use as few words as possible to convey meaning.

4. Patience at the table. When dining privately with the family, wait until everyone has their food before you begin eating yours. 

5. Compliment. Always have something flattering to say. If you cannot find anything nice to say about a person, keep it to yourself. This is a manner that will be important every day of your life! This is very classy!

6. Keep your word. If you say you’ll call someone, do so. 

7. Never be late. Do not be late for important events or gatherings such as job interviews, dates, and family dinners. If you think you’ll be late, call to inform others ahead of time, so they aren’t waiting for you.

8. Remain calm. Don’t panic in a crisis or when things don’t go your way. You can do it! If you’re unsure how to deal with a delicate situation, ask questions and let someone help you instead of doing something you might regret later.

9. Keep clean and fresh. Maintain good hygiene and a well-groomed appearance in public areas such as offices, public transportation, and restaurants. This is what is polite! Shower regularly and wear clean clothes daily to be considered a well-groomed person. Make sure your clothes fit — this is very important to dress classy! Wear proper undergarments so that your clothes will always look sharp and crisp. Clothes are an essential part of it. The classy woman’s style and how she wears her clothing and accessories make a world of difference.

10. Don’t be loud. Don’t be a loud person around others, and don’t draw too much attention to yourself. This includes avoiding the following: shouting, clapping your hands, and whistling, among other things. Even being loud on social media is a no-go.

Here’s a beginner’s guide to elegance if you’re interested – plus, it’s FREE!

Classy lady portrait.

Elegant Women: We are All Elegant Women

Every sophisticated woman reading this, I want you to know that you are elegant! It’s not that you need to look a sure way to feel beautiful or have a lot of money to buy elegance. It comes from within, and you have the power to unlock it and live an elegant life!

how to be elegant pin

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Friday 18th of October 2024

I am endlessly grateful to you, dear author, for your wise snd beautiful, hugely useful advices and a welcoming manner of writing! Thank you!


Thursday 20th of June 2024

What a beautiful list! So elegantly put together. I truly enjoyed reading this!

Jennifer from ELE

Sunday 18th of August 2024

Thank you Ana! It's always nice to see other women who enjoy the elegant lifestyle

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Friday 15th of March 2024

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Eden Garden❤️😊❤️

Monday 21st of November 2022

Thank you so much for writing this! I know that if I continue to follow these tips I will be able to better myself and become the best me I can be! You are a inspiration for me and I am so grateful I was able to stubble upon this post! It has changed my way of thinking! I am currently 12 and will be turning 13 this Wednesday! I hope you continue to inspire others and you stay safe!❤️😊❤️

Jennifer Merbello

Sunday 11th of December 2022

Thank you Eden! I appreciate you and you're starting so young! I think that's wonderful! Keep it up!


Thursday 5th of May 2022

This is great! Thanks Jen!

You're amazingly elegant.

Jennifer Lynn

Sunday 15th of May 2022

No, you are Abigail! :) Thank you for reading my post!